How to …

Delete lost tasks

Tasks were lost, but MyQueue still thinks they are there. This can happen if they were deleted with scancel, bkill or qdel instead of mq rm. Solution:

Remove many tasks

The mq rm command can read task ID’s from standard input:

$ cat ids | mq rm -i -
$ mq ls | grep <something> | mq rm -i -

Start from scratch

  • Remove your .myqueue/queue.sqlite3 file.

See what’s in your .myqueue/queue.sqlite3 file

>>> import sqlite3
>>> con = sqlite.connect('path/to/.myqueue/queue.sqlite3')
>>> for row in con.execute('SELECT * FROM tasks'):
...     print(row)

Or use:

$ python -m myqueue.queue path/to/.myqueue/queue.sqlite3