Source code for myqueue.commands

"""Definitions of commands.

There is a Command base class and five concrete classes:
ShellCommand, ShellScript, PythonScript, PythonModule and
PythonFunction.  Use the factory function command() to create
command objects.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Type, Callable
from pathlib import Path
from shlex import quote

from myqueue.resources import Resources

class Command:
    """Base class."""
    def __init__(self, name: str, args: list[str]):
        self.args = args
        if args:
            name += '+' + '_'.join(self.args) = name
        self.dct: dict[str, Any] = {'args': args}
        self.short_name: str
        self.function: Callable[[], Any] | None = None

    def set_non_standard_name(self, name: str) -> None: = name
        self.dct['name'] = name

    def todict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def fname(self) -> str:
        return'/', '\\')  # filename can't contain slashes

    def read_resources(self, path: Path) -> Resources | None:
        """Look for "# MQ: resources=..." comments in script."""
        return None

    def run(self) -> Any:
        import subprocess, shell=True, check=True)
        return None

    def quoted_args(self) -> list[str]:
        return [quote(arg) for arg in self.args]

[docs] def create_command(cmd: str, args: list[str] = [], type: str = None, name: str = '') -> Command: """Create command object.""" cmd, _, args2 = cmd.partition(' ') if args2: args = args2.split() + args path, sep, cmd = cmd.rpartition('/') if '+' in cmd: cmd, _, rest = cmd.rpartition('+') args = rest.split('_') + args cmd = path + sep + cmd cls: Type[Command] if type is None: if cmd.startswith('shell:'): cls = ShellCommand elif cmd.endswith('.py'): cls = PythonScript elif cmd.startswith('workflow:'): cls = WorkflowTask elif '.py@' in cmd: cls = PythonFunctionInScript elif '@' in cmd: cls = PythonFunction elif path: cls = ShellScript else: cls = PythonModule else: cls = globals()[type.title().replace('-', '')] command = cls(cmd, args) if name: command.set_non_standard_name(name) return command
[docs] class ShellCommand(Command): def __init__(self, cmd: str, args: list[str]): Command.__init__(self, cmd, args) self.cmd = cmd self.short_name = cmd def __str__(self) -> str: return ' '.join([self.cmd[6:]] + self.quoted_args()) def todict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {**self.dct, 'type': 'shell-command', 'cmd': self.cmd}
[docs] class ShellScript(Command): def __init__(self, cmd: str, args: list[str]): Command.__init__(self, Path(cmd).name, args) self.cmd = cmd self.short_name = cmd def __str__(self) -> str: return ' '.join(['sh', self.cmd] + self.quoted_args()) def todict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {**self.dct, 'type': 'shell-script', 'cmd': self.cmd} def read_resources(self, path: Path) -> Resources | None: for line in Path(self.cmd).read_text().splitlines(): if line.startswith('# MQ: resources='): return Resources.from_string(line.split('=', 1)[1]) return None
[docs] class PythonScript(Command): def __init__(self, script: str, args: list[str]): path = Path(script) Command.__init__(self,, args) if '/' in script: self.script = str(path.absolute()) else: self.script = script self.short_name = def __str__(self) -> str: return 'python3 ' + ' '.join([self.script] + self.quoted_args()) def todict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {**self.dct, 'type': 'python-script', 'cmd': self.script} def read_resources(self, path: Path) -> Resources | None: script = Path(self.script) if not script.is_absolute(): script = path / script for line in script.read_text().splitlines(): if line.startswith('# MQ: resources='): return Resources.from_string(line.split('=', 1)[1]) return None
class WorkflowTask(Command): def __init__(self, cmd: str, args: list[str], function: Callable[..., Any] = None): script, name = cmd.split(':') self.script = Path(script) Command.__init__(self, name, args) self.function = function self.short_name = name def __str__(self) -> str: code = '; '.join( ['from myqueue.workflow import run_workflow_function', f'run_workflow_function({str(self.script)!r}, {!r})']) return f'python3 -c "{code}"' def run(self) -> Any: assert self.function is not None return self.function() def todict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {**self.dct, 'type': 'workflow-task', 'cmd': f'{self.script}:{}'}
[docs] class PythonModule(Command): def __init__(self, mod: str, args: list[str]): Command.__init__(self, mod, args) self.mod = mod self.short_name = mod def __str__(self) -> str: return ' '.join(['python3', '-m', self.mod] + self.quoted_args()) def todict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {**self.dct, 'type': 'python-module', 'cmd': self.mod}
[docs] class PythonFunction(Command): def __init__(self, cmd: str, args: list[str]): if ':' in cmd: # Backwards compatibility with version 4: self.mod, self.func = cmd.rsplit(':', 1) else: self.mod, self.func = cmd.rsplit('@', 1) Command.__init__(self, cmd, args) self.short_name = cmd def __str__(self) -> str: args = ', '.join(repr(convert(arg)) for arg in self.args) mod = self.mod return f'python3 -c "import {mod}; {mod}.{self.func}({args})"' def todict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {**self.dct, 'type': 'python-function', 'cmd': self.mod + '@' + self.func}
class PythonFunctionInScript(Command): def __init__(self, cmd: str, args: list[str]): script, self.func = cmd.rsplit('@', 1) path = Path(script) Command.__init__(self,, args) if '/' in script: self.script = str(path.absolute()) else: self.script = script self.short_name = def __str__(self) -> str: args = ', '.join(repr(convert(arg)) for arg in self.args) return (f'python3 -c "import runpy; ' f'mod = runpy({self.script!r}); ' f'mod.{self.func}({args})') def todict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {**self.dct, 'type': 'python-function-in-script', 'cmd': self.script + '@' + self.func} def convert(x: str) -> bool | int | float | str: """Convert str to bool, int, float or str.""" if x == 'True': return True if x == 'False': return False try: f = float(x) except ValueError: return x if int(f) == f: return int(f) return f